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Labor Laws Made Easy for Restaurants: Introducing Compliance Reporting

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New report tracks 1,000+ labor laws to help keep you covered. 

Today, we’re excited to release a new report that will help restaurants take control of labor law compliance and get ahead of changing laws nationwide.

The Labor Rule Compliance Report cross-checks labor laws across the country to identify which stores have non-compliant labor rules set up in the Labor & Scheduling platform. It also identifies stores that will be impacted by upcoming changes to labor laws. With the information in this report, Crunchtime users can stay ahead of changing laws and easily adjust their labor rules to maintain compliance. 

Achieve nationwide compliance, without the headache. 

Whether it's complying with Fair Workweek, minor laws, overtime, breaks, tipped minimum wage, or other regulations—labor laws are growing increasingly complex and changing nationwide. This creates a new set of challenges for fast-growing restaurant brands, especially as they expand into new jurisdictions with different regulations.

For instance, last year's minimum wage might not be the same this year, and the minimum wage in one state could differ greatly from another. Complying with labor laws is the responsibility of the operator, but it can easily fall through the cracks, leading to the possibility of violations, penalties and steep fines. For operators on the path to growth, a one-size-fits-all approach won't suffice when it comes to achieving compliant scheduling and labor management. 

The Labor Rule Compliance Report is designed to alleviate the stress of compliance nationwide. With the right compliance tools in place, operators can position every team and every store location for success. 
Labor Rule Compliance Report shows restaurants which stores are non-compliant and where upcoming changes to labor laws will impact stores

Improve your visibility into compliance

The Labor Rule Compliance Report gives restaurant operators a new level of visibility into their compliance status at every store location. By instantly analyzing the labor laws that impact each of your stores, this report helps management oversee that labor rules are configured correctly across a large number of locations.

With greater visibility into nationwide labor laws, operators can achieve better oversight, and ensure that any potential compliance issues are identified and addressed promptly across the organization. 

Related Read: The Restaurant Operators Guide to Compliance: 4 Steps to Take Your Stores from Reactive to Proactive

Stay up to date with changing labor laws

The Labor Rule Compliance Report is a game-changer for restaurants who want an easier way to stay up to date with changing labor laws. Simply run the report and see what laws require attention in your labor rule set up. When you open a new store location, this report also provides an easy way to set up your labor rules. 

For nationwide operations, it can be challenging to ensure that every store has updated their labor rules correctly in the Labor & Scheduling platform when changes occur. For instance, increases to minimum wage may not impact every store, but should still be addressed promptly to ensure proper wages are distributed. The Labor Rule Compliance Report identifies these changes in advance, helping restaurants stay proactive. 

Spend less time managing compliance.

Manually managing labor rules and monitoring the changes to labor laws can be time-consuming and complex for many operators today, particularly those with numerous store locations. The Labor Rule Compliance Report  helps automate this process, ultimately freeing up valuable time for your management to focus on other critical tasks. By instantly checking labor laws across every jurisdiction, this report handles the tedious work of labor law management. 

Compliance can feel overwhelming, but operators shouldn't ignore it.

Managing compliance can be complicated for restaurants today, but it shouldn’t be overlooked. Crunchtime Labor & Scheduling takes the hassle out compliance to set up every operator for success. To date, restaurants have used Crunchtime hundreds of thousands of times to create compliant staff schedules for teams nationwide. Whether its dealing with overtime, meal breaks, minors, Fair Workweek or other regulations, we are committed to making labor law compliance easier for restaurants and we will continue to innovate in this area as labor laws continue to change and evolve around the nation. 

Try it out

For current Labor & Scheduling customers, talk to your Customer Success Manager to unlock access to this report. 

For prospective customers, request a demo to see how it works.