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CHART 2025: Hospitality Training Competencies Conference 

March 2-5, 2025 | Louisville, KY

CHART is the place hospitality trainers gather to learn, connect, and grow.
This 3-day event features 12 Hospitality Training Competencies, which are
foundational and advanced training content – a “how-to” guide for
hospitality trainers. In addition to engaging keynotes and interactive
sharing sessions, you can attend industry-specific and skill-building
breakout sessions on the hot topics of today, such as recruitment, retention,
and training technologies.

World-class training one of the most important factors in growing customer
loyalty to your brand, and increasing your team’s cohesiveness,
engagement, and productivity. We hope you join us at CHART to grow skills,
add tools to manage your workforce, and make high-quality connections.

Not attending CHART, but would like more information? Contact us here.
