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Celebrating Excellence in Restaurant Operations

Welcome to Crunchtime’s 2nd annual Ops Excellence Awards, a program that honors the outstanding achievements of restaurants and groups that have harnessed the power of Crunchtime to achieve unparalleled operational excellence. We believe that teams who support operations are the backbone of any successful restaurant organization and we're thrilled to recognize those who have raised the bar in the industry.

Nominations will open on June 17th. To participate, simply nominate your team using the form on this page by August 23rd and include a success story. 

Success Story Requirements

Your story must include how your team leverages any of Crunchtime’s solutions to level-up your operations, including, but not limited to:

  • Managing food costs and inventory

  • Scheduling and labor management

  • Training and developing staff

  • Executing standard operating procedures 

Priority considerations will be given to stories that include success metrics (ex: improved AvT by X%, decreased staff scheduling time from 3 hours to half an hour, improved new hire time to competency by X%, decreased food cost by X%, etc.).

Note: The story you submit doesn't have to be long or perfect. Our team will reach out to you to work with you on refining it.

We appreciate all those who took the time to submit nominations for the Ops Excellence Awards. The nomination process is now closed.




Success metrics from 2023 nominees


"Our food safety auditing scores have resulted in a 9% decrease in findings."


"We have reduced our AvT% by nearly 20% since actively using Crunchtime to track AvT 18 months ago."


"We have expanded into utilizing over 30 forms across multiple departments with a weekly company compliance average of around 90%."


"100% of [stores] post inventory weekly, and do it faster, allowing them more time to spend with their team and guests."


"We are saving between 1,500 and 1,800 sheets of paper per day in an average month."


Why Participate?

Elevated brand visibility - Leverage this awards program as a platform to increase your brand’s credibility and innovation in the market. Demonstrate your commitment to operational excellence and set yourself apart from your competition.

Recognition and prestige - Gain well-deserved recognition for your team’s outstanding accomplishments and showcase those efforts to industry peers, partners, investors, and current/future employees. Sweetgreen won the 2023 Ops Excellence Award and enjoyed many accolades, including a press release

Networking opportunities - Engage with like-minded professionals, industry leaders, and fellow Crunchtime customers during the awards ceremony during the 2024 Ops Summit. 

Bonus: All award finalists will receive a complimentary ticket to Crunchtime’s Ops Summit! (one per company).

Finalists and Winners

All finalists will be notified via email in August and receive a complimentary (or refunded) ticket to Crunchtime’s Ops Summit on November 13-14, 2024.

Four award finalists will be invited to share their team's story on the main stage during Crunchtime’s Ops Summit on November 14, 2024, and the winner will be determined by live audience voting. Award winners will also be invited to participate in press announcements and other activities to amplify their success stories. 


Frequently Asked Questions

What is the deadline for submitting nominations?
The deadline for submitting award nominations is EOD Friday, Aug. 23rd, 2024.
Will these awards be recognizing individuals or teams/brands?
The Ops Excellence Awards will be recognizing teams and organizations.
What if our story doesn’t have clearly defined success metrics? Can we still enter?
Absolutely - we understand that not all successes are quantifiable. Please do your best to include as much detail as you can and if you have further questions on how to refine that story, we are happy to help with that as well. Simply reach out to our Customer Marketing Manager, Thao Littler, at tlittler@crunchtime.com for more information and assistance.
If my submission makes it to the finalist round, will I be reimbursed for my Crunchtime Ops Summit registration ticket?
If you are registered for the 2024 Crunchtime Ops Summit and your submission gets selected to be a finalist, we will contact you and either process a refund for your ticket or offer you a complimentary ticket for someone else on your team to attend the event.
What will my team receive if we win?
You or a representative from your team will be invited up on stage at Crunchtime’s Ops Summit to receive the award and share your success story. You will also be invited to participate in press, other media, and co-marketing initiatives after the event.
Can I forward this page to other colleagues for them to participate as well?
Absolutely! As long as they use one of Crunchtime’s solutions, they are welcome to enter a submission.
When can we expect to be notified if we’re finalists?
Finalists can expect to be notified in mid-September of 2024.
What if I get notified that we’re finalists but I missed the email?
Rest assured that our team will do our due diligence to contact you beyond just sending one notification email. However, if we don’t hear back from you in a reasonable amount of time (~2 weeks after the initial notification), we may have to forfeit your finalist spot. 
What if I have another question I don’t see listed here?
We are happy to answer all your questions related to the Ops Excellence Awards - simply reach out directly to our Customer Marketing Manager, Thao Littler, at tlittler@crunchtime.com.